so i sit here waiting for my computer to lock up with my aviator glasses on my head and then i realize i have no need for punctuation anymore no need for capital letters and certainly no sense of where one sentence ends and another begins i shall try to keep this as long as possible when i say that life is simpler this way no need to rehearse and cohearse what comes from my fingers is what i feel so in this is comfort same thing would happen in a world without rules simpler at first but then everything breaks down no organization no coherancy i suppose its best that we do have punctuation and spelling and i think ive done rather well spelling here now fact is though that if you read this straight through youd have a lot of trouble understanding really what was going on well probably best that way this whole thing is really turning into a bad grammar test that really wont end you know the sort put the comma in the right place capitalize your proper nouns and all that other hooplah frankly i dont see where grammar gets us all a bunch of little scribbles and marks that really just complicate things but then again i guess that is what language is a bunch of little scribbles and odd marks that are recognized by our brain as letters and words sometimes i wish i could make up letters that werent on my keyboard for instance Æ is a damn cool letter but you dont see us using that do you now and to get to it is harder than hell you have to hold down alt and type zero one nine eight thats certainly more difficult than just typing one key and you damn well know that if ancient greeks were alive theyd be really pissed they didnt have that letter whatever the hell it is but theyd certainly be angry they couldnt spell things like Ægypt and whatnot actually i think i fucked up because that letter i believe is actually capitalized and there is a lower case version of it but really i dont want to try to find it right now anyway if anyone actually reads this whole thing theyll probably be amazed at how complex everything is in my head but thats mostley due to the blunt force trama thats been going on up in hizzere
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long
and you have burned so very, very brightly