I have a similar issue, and always have, but for me I've figured out that the sensations that make me cum are generated from the base of my dick, on the bottom and unless I start hanging out with Heather Brooke, a mouth isn't going to be down there very often, no matter how good she is at what she's doing. But I still love it.
The good part is, it helps significantly with lasting as long as I want to during intercourse. There are only certain angles that are going to really going to hit that spot well and I can control that at will, so... it allows me to have a lot of control. That's been a major bonus over the years.
Mostly, I'd say don't worry about it. If it's that big of a deal, see if you can figure out what buttons are getting pushed during other activities that don't get attention when she goes down on you and try to adjust. Make it an adeventure, don't let it get all weird. And... it might be mental, too - that can be harder to overcome.
Mostly, if you like it just keep doing it. Life is good. =) Oops! Missed it again; I guess we'll have to keep practicing...
"take me down, little *Susie*, take me down
I know you think you're the Queen of The Underground"