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Old 04-22-2003, 05:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
Setting up new hard drives

Im going to be recieving my 80gb 7200Western Digital Special Ed. hard drive tommorow and I'm not sure how I will set it up with my current computer. Mainly becuase I am using a 20gb Maxtor hard drive, which I will backup and re-format before installing the 80gb one (It needs a re-format anyways). So my computer will have 2 (80gb and 20 gb)clean hard drives to start with.

What is the best way to partition these drives? I have heard of some people keeping their OS on one and much of their game and music files on another incase one were to crash or get a virus. I was also thinking of setting aside a partition to give Linux a try too.

I currently have WinXP Home Edition and I still have time to seek out Linux, I'm in no rush.

I have no idea what the speed is of the Maxtor, but I bet it isn't 7200 (it's quite old)
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