This is a good idea/point to bring up lurkette.
As for myself, I don't get creeped-out. Well, the first time I realized so many people had glanced at my journal I was wierded out a little just because I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to! I don't even stop to think before I put anything in my journals though, I don't hold back my thoughts just because someone may come along and read it. Same goes for any replies I may make to threads.
As far as posting pictures....the way I see it, if you are brave (imo) enough to post a nude picture of yourself then you have to accept the fact that lurkers will be looking and it may end up places you don't wish it to. This is just a fact of life on the internet. Even here on TFP where it feels "safe" you just don't know who is telling the truth and who is lying their face off just to have some fun (and yes...there are people out there that do that...I know someone who did it and it pissed me off to no end). I would really hesitate to post of pic of myself here where anyone and their dog could see it. But as far as anything else goes....I don't get bothered about it.
I think it's like real life...use your head, use common sense. If you wouldn't hand out your phone number/address to someone you just met then you wouldn't do it here either. I've always viewed the net as a big living room. Lots of people may knock to come in but you still have the option of who you will let in or not.
You've been a naughty boy....go to my room!