Kadath said
Man goes into a restaurant, orders albatross soup. Takes one taste, runs out of restaurant screaming.
TIO said
He thought he'd been eating albatross soup on the desert island, when really he had been eating his wife, who the other guy on the island had cooked up (after telling the first man that the wife had fallen off a cliff)
i think some of these are getting into too much ambiguity and then fantasy. How the fuck where we to assume they're on a desert island and he's eating his wife. I know these require lateral thinking, but also there should be some remote logic or rationality behind the solution. I showed a friend and my brother and they thought it was ridiculous... Anyone else undertstand where i am coming from?
btw i am not trying to slander TIO or Kadath. I'd also like to know where that came from, and also how anyone could actually come up with that as a clevely unique solution.
equally the soup could've been too hot. Although thats not clever at all, I just think that other one is too fantastical.
Sorry if i've upset anyone. i am attacking/questioning the merit of the riddle not the people...unless you came up with it...*hides*
anyway, i just found another one on the net. Its quite easy, well i solved it quickly, maybe a little lame... anyways here it is.
A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened. A club member knocked on the door and the doorman said, "twelve." The member replied, "six " and was let in. A second member came to the door and the doorman said, "six." The member replied, "three" and was let in. The man thought he had heard enough and walked up to the door. The doorman said ,"ten" and the man replied, "five." But he was not let in.
What should have he said?