* As you all come to the great room the light you bring into it & your positions reveal more...
It is as you suspected a VERY large room, maybe a chapel...
The length of it goes for what seems to be 100 feet, the breadth 50.
The ceiling goes up to what seems to be 50 feet,
ending high above with a ornate balcony over the center of the long wall near you.
Underneath that balcony on the floor, are a large set of carven oak doors, closed.
You think you can see another alcove like the one you just exited
on the opposite side of the same wall a bit further down.
In the center of the room on the far wall with all the debris surrounding it.
Lit by a single piercing shaft of light,
an alter stands upon a platform.
The light falls directly on a small statue. A figure is draped over the alter. *
Last edited by rogue49; 07-14-2003 at 04:50 AM..