WC3 Frozen Throne.. a little dissapointing
I still love the game. WC3 i think is one of the best games out there.
But I hate to say this expansion Ive noticed a bit of a slip in the ultra-high quality I've come to expect from Blizzard.
For instance I've found a lot of the New Artwork Sub-Par. Some of the new player owned shops, such as the orcs, are super lame. The new seige units are way worse then the orignals.. and the obsidian statures are the stupest thing I ever saw.
Also, the single player campaign I think they totally forgot that WC is supposed to be an rts.. they tried to turn the game into a half-baked diablo or sometihng.
OK, maybe I'm being nitpicky.. cause I still fo enjoy playing on battlenet. I jsut hope this isnt the beginning of a decline in blizzards work.