The slightest chance that I could be accused of rape because someone decides the next day, or the next week, or the next year that they would have been better off not having sex with me terrifies me. It's just as bad as persecuting someone for crimes they commited before laws against those crimes existed.
Get married. Have some sex. Woman decides she didn't WANT to get married and have some sex. You are now a rapist. What a wonderful world...
I suppose what seperates rapists from these women in my mind is that rapists are truly fucked up in the head- they are criminals, twisted psychotic violent men. They cannot be rehabilitated. Etc. If caught, they WILL go to prison. The women on the other hand, are guilty of fucking up someone's life JUST as badly as a rapist can (albeit in a different way), and yet they aren't punished, can do it multiple times with no consequences, and can choose to do it without warning to anyone they have had sex with. If caught, the accused still has a fucked up reputation that they can never repair. THey will forever be known as an accused rapist. If caught, the woman suffers no punishment and the man suffers for the rest of his life as an accused rapist. If not caught, the man suffers for the rest of his life in prison.
Decide that chode you slept with wasn't good enough for you? Now he raped you!
Wake up next to some guy you don't know after a night at a kegger? He raped you!
Boyfriend spent the night with the guys instead of with you? He's been raping you for months!