If you knew she smoked when you started dating why should she have to quit for you?? If you like her accept her as she is.... faults and all, and if she does not smoke around you maybe you should be grateful for that instead of trying to find a way to MAKE HER QUIT!
Thats the problem with this whole fucking world. If we see something we don't like or is not up to our standards and beliefs we go after it and try to change to suit our needs.
ACCEPTANCE is maybe what you should be changing........your acceptance of others.
Let me ask you this, do you drink?? What if someone came up and asked you to quit drinking because they did not like it.......would you?? And don't give me that shit that it's different......IT'S NOT!
So try a little ACCEPTANCE if you really like this person, accept them for whom they are... not for what they may or may not do to please you.
Well thats my three cents worth