First off, the pill is notorious for its effects on a woman's cycle. It works on a cycle of 28 days, which is about average, but many women have shorter or longer natural cycles. Once a woman is off the hormones, it takes time for the body to adjust and return to its natural cycle.
Secondly, at 18, many women still have frequent irregularities in their cycle.
Thirdly, a change in hormones can and does affect the emotional state of an individual. Coming off the pills would have most likely effected a change in your GF's emotions. It may have made her feel under stress, and that can delay a period.
Fourthly, as some other people mentioned, it could be other stress she's experiencing, like finishing school.
My bet is on Possibility Number One. If her period is delayed more than about two weeks, get a pregnancy test done. Good luck!
cheers to the motherland