No contest. Bush is the better president. Previous posts stating that the 90's economy was due to Clinton are wrong. A solid foundation must be laid in order to have the growth we saw. I would have to give the Reagan economic policy the credit.
Those that say Bush is responsible for the current economy are flat out wrong. The economy made a turn during 2000. Lets see...who was president then???? Clinton!!! Clinton killed the growth in the economy, not Bush. Plus 9/11 kicked the economy while it was down.
Honestly, neither has been a great president. Neither is/was a leader.
As for the military, Reagan made it strong. That is a fact even democrats see. Clinton, along with most previous democratic presidents, cut military spending all while deploying the troops all over the world. This is a horrible thing to do. It stretches the military too thin. Yes, Bush has sent the military all over, but he also raised military spending to give our troops what they need.
Clinton was lousy. Bush is so so.