Only because I love you all so much: In Wrestler Name - Contract Expiration Format
Kurt Angle - 2007
The Big Show - February 2009
Ric Flair - November 2004
Billy Gunn - January 2005
Mark Henry - August 2006
Jerry Lawler - November 2004
Shawn Michaels - February 2004
Kevin Nash - January 18, 2004
Rikishi - October 2005
The Rock - October 2004
Al Snow - May 2005
Triple H - August 2004
The Undertaker - May/June 2007
As for BigSmho's gut, I think that he needs it. For a man of his size (height) to take so many bumps and stuff, he would break in half if he was any thinner. Andre the Giant wasn't thin. The Giant Gonzales... well he was. But still. Taking the "ideal" body frame/type and only making it taller is not healthy. There has to be an equal expansion in girth in a proper ratio for the body to function somewhat normally.