I agree that radio, for the most part, ruins a lot of music for me.
I hate MTV and I don't get Much Music so I never watch them. In fact, I've always hated MTV. My friends used to think I was nuts but now they are starting to agree. I've told them over and over again how MTV overplays everything if they play music at all. In fact I think that MTV2 is the only MTV station that actually plays music.
Anyway back to the radio. In my town there is 3 Rock/Alternative Stations. Out of those 1 is actually worth listening to because the other 2 mainly play crappy Pop music like those stupid boy bands and J. Lo and all that crap. Anyway the one decent station called The X always says how it plays "new X music" and crap like that.
The music they play is hardly ever new. Every so often they'll play one new song from a new band. Or every Sunday night they have "edge of the X" where they play some lesser knows and local stuff. Otherwise you can tell the time of day by what song they play. In fact, there were days were I drove home from school and heard a song. Then about an hour later I'd have to take my sister somewhere and hear the same song. Then I'd go to work. On my way to work I'd hear the song again. So within about 4 hours the same song was played 3 times. Out of that 4 hours they play on average of about 2.5 hours of music. The rest is filled with commercials. I think thats a little ridiculous.
Also, when a band, new or old, comes out with a new CD they only play 1 new song from that CD an entire month. So no matter what you only get to listen to 1 new song of a particular band in a whole month. I've also noticed that after a new CD comes out they usually play its songs for about 3 months. So on average of a 15 song CD they play only 3 songs from it.
After that 3 month period those 3 songs that they played still show up every now and they when they aren't playing "new X music."
A more specific example of this is System of a Down. Now I like System. That is, in moderation. Last spring starting in April they started playing some new System. Chop Suey was the song. All of April in the "new X music" lineup would be Chop Suey. Then in May all month it was Toxicity. Finally in June it was Ariels. Three good songs yes. But, when you hear them 4 times a day in a month they get a little old.
One thing I noticed about really good music is that it always leaves you wanting more. If only the song was a little longer. I wish I could hear it one more time. Once you hear a particular song enough that feeling is gone and it becomes tired. Radio stations should definatley play a wider variety of songs. Not just stick with one new song from a new CD per month.
If the song is good we do like to hear it again and again this fact is true. But, do we need to hear it multiple times a day every day for a month? Just that one song an entire month when there are other good songs on a CD? I think most of us can agree that the answer is no.