If your feeling down is more than just occasional, is impairing your ability to perform the normal tasks of daily living, or is interfering with your ability to enjoy life, or if you're having suicidal thoughts, you might want to look into professional help. I don't know the specifics of your "condition" but finding someone who practices cognitive behavior therapy may be a good option. It's focused on identifying and shifting the thought processes behind your emotional states, it's usually short-term (so no 3 years of yakking to someone on a couch with no results) and is highly effective (clinically it's as good as meds for treating mild depressions).
Here's a directory: <a href="http://www.aabt.org/CLINICAL/CLINICAL.HTM">
Usually C-B therapists can't prescribe meds but if you decide they're for you, they can refer you to someone who can. It's covered by most insurance plans.
Good luck.