NOT everywhere do you have to give money.. and its not always expensive.. and you dont' always get meds. Psychologists don't give the meds, those are Psychiatrists.
If you feel like you want or need to get some things out... Go speak to one, you don't have to be fucked up to talk to a Psychologist. You can tell them anything and they won't go off making rumors. The "Suck it up and deal" method isn't appropriate. Just because Society says that guys should "walk it off" doesn't mean its always right.
The difference between a friend and a professional is that the professional won't repeat what you say to another. Sure you friend says they won't, but if its big.. sometimes they just can't help but to. Also, a professional has been trained to help you, something a friend most likely has not. Beyond that, you can tell a professional things you just can't tell others.
Rival: Why do you think too much time and money? Its not a load of shit, regardless of what you may think. Society has just made it look like this:
Girls --> Go talk if you have a problem.
Guys --> Suck It Up... Ya Big Baby!
Something is wrong here....
For the Curious, I am going to college and plan on being a Psychologist myself, and yes, I am a guy.
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.