Well, I've dated a lot, meeting people from both online and in real world, and can say that both have their advantages.
Meeting in person you can tell if you're attracted to that person (and vice versa) and if you have some minimal things in common. But after a few dates you can find out that you really don't have that much in common, and if you've slept with them, your good judgement can be clouded by sex (especially if it's good)
On the other hand, meeting online is a bit easier (no first approach syndrome) and you can get a better idea of what that person is like, but the chemistry factor is a mystery until you meet. Sometimes you'll meet someone who is attractive, but there's no chemistry.
Another good thing about meeting online is that you can meet a lot of people who you wouldn't normally run into in a bar or anywhere else.
Crazies on the web are vastly overrated. In the end you'll probably meet the same number of deeply damaged people online as you would anywhere else. Just make sure you meet somewhere safe and have you exit script ready. "my mom just died, I have to go."
So, to sum up, I think online is a perfectly acceptable way to meet people. No better or worse than going to a bar or family reunion. Just have different expectations.