i am no philospher but my undertsnding is that an agnostic is 'unsure', whereas an atheist (as I am) refuses to believe in the ridiculous notion that there is a god. This is different to me 'believing' there is no god . . . I simply refuse to beleive that there might be . . which is a different thing entirely and does not require me to prove it any more than I would be required to prove there was no such thing as ghosts.
You cannot prove that something doesnt exist. You can only prove that things DO exist. Its a childish argument.
Consider the following 2 statements : -
1 - I do not believe there are aliens living amongst us here on earth.
2 - I beleive there are no aliens living amongst us here on earth.
These are very different statements! Number 1 is me not believing YOUR theory . . and that would be the view of 'Atheists'.
Number 2 on the other hand would be MY proposition, and you could then legitimately say "but how can you be so certain?".
I respectfully conclude that you cannot legitimately ask an Atheist "but how can you be so certain?".
Where your talents and the needs of the world cross . . there lies your vocation.
Last edited by duckznutz; 07-12-2003 at 05:01 PM..