Originally posted by chavos
. . Ever the skeptic, i do have to ask who "they" are, and where you get this. I'd love to read about it . . . . . .
I have to agree with CSflim on all counts . . . . chavos, you can read about temporal lobe epilespy here . .
. . . totally undermines all notion that any religious 'belief' cn possibly be valid in any way . . . .
I dont think you can take the view that some people are religious and some people are not, that somehow there is an equivalence in the two positions, and that it is just down to 'life experience' and points of view. In my opinion, those who beleive in God are just wrong. Whilst I respect their freedom to beleive in purple Llamas, Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and any of the hundreds of Gods that humans have invented for themselves . . . . as a scientific and logical person I would still conclude that they are all wrong, just as I would conclude that the moon is not made of green cheese . . despite my inability to 'prove' it.
It seems to me that this Philosophy part of the Forum is dominated by discussion of religion . . . . . . because it is a heated topic, and feelings are personal and deeply felt. I dont notice any in depth discussions as to who is the prettiest girl on the Titty Board for example . . . . because it really doesnt matter enough to anyone. Religion, however, stirs deep emotions, and in some small way, the heated discussions on here mirror the conflicts in the world which are attributable to religion. And I think therein lies the problem I have with religion . . . . . . it starts off as a gentle debate, a 'philosophical' argument. It is presented to school children as a 'good' and kindly guiding framework, a moral reference for their future adult lives. It is certainly never caled 'indoctrination', and there is the impression that young adults who continue on the path of faith that their parents started them off on, are so doing by their own freewill . . . . and yet, strangely you will find children of Muslim parents also choosing the muslim faith themselves (of their own freewill?), and children of Catholic parents choosing the Catholic faith themselves (of their own freewill?) and the same for Jews and all the others and it seems to me that at the end of the day there is actually very little freewill being exercised.
Freewill is a myth, just look at the advertising industry and consider the things you 'love' to eat . . I bet they are things which are freely available to you locally. If you are in the USA you wont miss a Cadburys Flake . . and if you are in the UK you wont miss a Hershey Bar (or whatever they are called). Ditto for religion. Freewill is a myth . . .we take (and love) what is given to us.