The chains and ropes that bind us all
some are inside us in our heart
others are different places in our mind
or our soul but all chains can be sweet or tart
They hold us in place
and hold us back
or support us in times of need
as comfort when we lack
Sometimes you can choose your bindings
other times it comes like a trap
leaveing you with no map
Love is one of thoes bindings
it can lead to more
many run from it
some, a very few truely open the door
Once the door is open however
the flood will never end
no binding tried can close it
it is a link that can never break only bend
A true tie is like this
it creates other binds
ropes that hold us too the ones we love
in our hearts and minds...
Beauty can be found in the darkest day and on the darkest hour and even in the darkest mind