It's bastards like you who prevented me from getting Xmas bonuses when i was in high school

Cheap bastards.. just fork out the extra 10 bucks.. Hell all they do is ship the broken item back and either give you a new one, or try and fix yours.
I've gotten service plans on mice, and cd players though.. so my experience is limited. The mouse was a 200 dollar wacom pad, and the cd player was some ancient sony discman. They are both over 5 years old and still work well and i've talked my way into renewing service plans for free when the clerk isnt paying attention
oh and juan's right about FRYS. Great store, horrible service.
They pay pretty decent though. the cashiers make 13-18 bucks an hour out here. PLUS they get 10% commission of what they ring up (over a certain amount). So if you work an 8 hr shift and your register rings up $10,000 worth of stuff you go home making a nice little sum for a "crap job".