As mutt pointed out earlier, abortion is not an issue which should involve the federal courts at all, either pro or con.
If it is to be made illegal (remember that laws do not tell us what we can do, but define what we can not do), it must be made so by the states.
The arguement at hand (and the only valid one for making it illegal) is that it damages the fetus and that the fetus is a human life, which would be a criminal offense and as such would be restricted by a state law. There is no United States law against killing people. If you bash someone's skull in, your case will never ever be heard by the United States Supreme Court. If you kill a pregnant woman you will not be charged with any crime by the United States, but you will be charged with two - count them two - murders (no matter how far along the pregnancy nor the woman's stance on abortion) by the State in which the crime was commited.
Roe v. Wade should be abolished as the unconstitutional aboination of justice it is and make the citizens of the individual states exercise their constitutional duties and decide whether they consider it criminal behavior. The federal government has no business or authority telling the people of any state that they can't make something illegal if they want to. If the people of a state want to, by virtue of those they elect to state office, make public nose picking a crime they absolutely have that right. Same should go for abortion.
Yes, that does mean that some states will outlaw it completely (Utah, I'm looking at you) and some states would put no restrictions on it (California) but most would fall somewhere in between. That sounds like a messy situation and it is, but that's why we have separate states in the first place.
Now don't you all feel better now that I have solved the worlds problems for you?
In case you are wondering, I'm a tweener. There are some cases when it is absolutely justafiable and some cases when it just ain't.
If you are impregnated by consentual sex knowing full well you could get pregnant and just change your mind after seven months you're shit out of luck. You can't go around killing things just because they get in your way. Most places make it illegal to do that even to cats.
The battle against abject stupidity cannot be fought with reason.
I am Head inquisitor in qpid's liberation army so we can take over the world before Microsoft does... Join the Revolution!
Last edited by John_Gault; 04-22-2003 at 10:04 PM..