Technically modern humans are not homo sapiens, which is considered "early human" (as distinct from the then-contemporary neanderthal), but homo sapiens sapiens or "man double wise." So there would appear to be some evolution happening, not just anthropologically but also mentally, albeit slowly. With the advent of complex information technology and the kind of mechanical implants we're starting to see, I can imagine that homo cyborg (made it up) is just around the corner. I'll be first in line for a wet-wired net uplink. Also, if you look at the kind of brain activitiy involved in working with computers, video games, etc., it's theoretically possible that some humans already predisposed to facility with computers could start to evolve more machine-like capabilities, organically, not from implants. But I'm not sure that would make them a different species, evolutionarily speaking, or if that's just considered radical specialization.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France