Marse Bob: interesting, but pretty weird. You belief in something that cannot ever be proven, and then try to persuade others to join you. How can you *know* there is a God, or an afterlife? Answer: you cannot, but you belief in it. Well, I do not. To me, that makes your post seem rather silly.
As I said: if everyone were to belief in the Easter Bunny, and would have a whole religion based on that creature, wouldn't you feel equally weird when some guy with bunny ears tries to persuade you to worship eggs, because "they're the one true manifestation of the holy Bunny"? After all, if you do not worship eggs, you won't go to meet the Easter Bunny after you die - you'll spend the rest of eternity on a raft in the ocean. Hey... the books say so, so it must be true!
(sorry if I offended you, by the way)