Originally posted by sportsrule101
an unmeasurable soul is put into an unmeasurable place, and tortuted through isolation from everything else that has ever existed. Don't think the heat is a literal.
Yeah, I know this much is true. Sure you won't believe me when I say this, but this IS TFP, so I trust not to get flamed by stating something of personal experience.. But I have been to Hell. Quite literally too. For those of you who don't believe.. You thought I was crazy when I said I am a Firm Believer, and for those of you who do? You would understand its a spiritual reality.. a plane of existance different than the one here. Its possible... but alas the story of this venture does not belong in this thread.
The area that I have seen, was a place of nothingness... It sucked... especially when deamons could easily pop in and out to torture you.... Did it feel... HOT? What is HOT and Burning of FIRE.. to your SOUL? If you burn your hand in five minutes, will you feel it in your soul? no... i doubt it. We understand Burning to be bad.. and painful, and something we could never get used to in a million years, even if we were in a constant flame..... THIS is why we see it as a burning pool of flame. Flame in the earthly world probably won't do much to one's spirit, unless they believe it to....