Facial Dedication
How should I start...
I love facials... it's a total fetish. I find that a lot of guys are really into facials. On several websites there are polls 'what pics/movies would you like to see' and facials usually win. I find it fascinating cause no body part has to really be exposed for a facial to be incredible. It's all in the beauty of a girl and her expression. I've been watching porn for several years now and it seems that my facial fetish has stuck (no pun intended) with me forever. I used to be into Bukkake for short while because I was like 'woah, check out all that cum'. But it grew old fast because the girl hardly ever had a good expression (her eyes are usually shut (I can imagine the pain of getting in your eye), her mouth is also shut, and she's usually in disgust). Samething goes for forced facials and most deepthroats... what I find beautiful is how a girl can enjoy cum. Play around with it, swap it, etc.
In any case, I was wondering if any other facial enthusiasts wanted to start a 'facial thread' or something. Just share resources and discuss. Maybe a list of reliable sites for facial passes and or movies. Even a list of good facial pay sites that exist even if they aren't hacked.
I've been on a dial up forever so I usually download 3mb avi's cause they are good quality contain the entire facial.
I'm not really into kazza and the rest cause I can never see a screenshot of the video before I d/l. I might have it or might not like it (I can usually tell by the girl in the shot).
Luckily I'm dating a girl who loves cum and watches porn with me occasionally. We agree that the grinding of normal sex on video gets boring after a couple minutes but the facial in the end is always interesting.
I haven't had a lot of experience with different girls so I was wondering if you guys think if it is rare or common for a girl to trully like cum.
Just some things to ponder about.
Last edited by Halx; 07-27-2003 at 10:56 AM..