I have 3 small forces for Confrontation: Dirz, Devourers and Griffin. The figures really are great, and depending on what troops you get, you don't need tons of figures to play (5-30 figures for 300-500 point games).
All the rules and stats come with the figures, but there is also a set of rules for larger-scale battles, Ragnarok, that is supposed to be translated into English by the end of the year.
There are 4 rulebooks for Confrontation: Confrontation (the basic set), Incantation (magic), Divination (for priests, not available in English yet), and Incarnation (character development and RPG-style scenarios, apparently to be released in English in a few weeks).
I've tried a few games, and I think it is quite fun, but they can take a while to play with all the rules. There are couple key English sites for stats and a good yahoo group for asking questions about rules (which can come up a bit because of the translation from French to English). If you understand French then there's no problem.
If you are really into the figures, one of the nice things about Confrontation is that you can just buy the figures that you like the look of and have an okay force to play games (a nice change if you're used to building armies for WH40k).