Albums that changed your life
Every once in a while, I'll hear an album that totally catches me off guard and influences my musical taste for years after.
Here are some of mine and why, what are yours?
Led Zeppelin - I
Somebody gave me a dubbed tape of this album in Jr. High. It was my introduction to classic rock/blues.
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
High School, bought it on a whim after reading some of their lyrics. I was hooked right away, shaped my tastes for a long time.
Dr. Dre - The Chronic
Another dub tape somebody gave me. My introduction to rap music...opened my mind and sent me on a long love affair with urban radio.
Pavement - Watery, Domestic
I bought this EP from a small hipster store in college because it was cheap and I liked the cover. My first indie album, and one of my faves to this day.
Cool World - The Soundtrack
My introduction to techno. Yeah, it sounds really dated now, but once upon a time it was exciting and new...still a "guilty pleasure" album
Honorable mentions: Portishead - Dummy, DJ Cam - Mad Blunted Jazz, Mr. Bungle - s/t, Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat, Negativland - Helter Stupid
My other sig says something clever.