A few buddies and I were on liberty in Trieste, Italy and were heading back to the ship after a hard night of getting "ubriaco" as the Italians say.
We turned the corner by fleet landing, and instead of the ferryboats that would take us back to the aircraft carrier anchored in the harbor... NOTHING.
You want to talk about getting sober in a heartbeat? This was right around the time there was action in Kosovo, and we started thinking things like the ship had to head there (right down the coast from Trieste) to do some bombing or some other emergency, and how the hell were we going to get back there? Plus, those of us who have been in the Navy (or any military branch for that matter) know how serious missing movement is.
Eventually we started noticing other drunk squids showing up expecting to find their ship and having the same reactions we were. Then a Jeep pulled up with a shore patrol guy in it from our ship. As it turns out, the carrier had to pull out of the port, head out to sea past the 15 mile limit to dump the sewage tanks. They were coming right back in the morning.
The most scared I've ever been in my life.