OK - I'm a Vol fan, but I have to agree that for the last few years, the Big 12 has been a better football conference. That said, historically the SEC stands head and shoulders above everyone else. At least no one from the Mathmatically Challenged Confernece (Big 10/11) didn't try to pipe in that "Michigan is the greatest ever" or some other weak claim.
There is no way that Florida can go sub .500, though. They'll lose some games, but are you telling me that they won't beat Kentucky, Ole Miss, FL A&M, Vandy, San Jose State and 1 other team? Let's remember that Florida had more people than Spurrier and Grossman.
I love Eli Manning, but the only way that Ole Miss will manage a 1 loss season is if they only play 2 games, both of them against Vandy. They have no pass rush, and I'm pretty sure they have some starting DB's that are missing both arms and a couple with only 1 leg.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo