FURTHERMORE (i had to get out of bed because this was nagging me in the back of my mind)
I would like to see some kind of reference or resource stating "Also, from a medical standpoint, don't worry about the bacteria."
Because as far as I know, it's just as healthy as putting food in a vagina, which I definitely know is NOT okay. Just because digested food comes out of there, doesn't mean that it is healthy to insert undigested food from the wrong end. I want to know if this is YOUR logic, or the logic of someone who is properly educated/in-the-know/certified to give such reasonings. (RN won't cut it.)
Shove some mayo up your rectum, wait two weeks, and tell me it's just as safe as sticking cooking oil up there. If what you're saying is true, then it's safe to insert any food item in there.. and something about that just sends off a big warning alarm in my head.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^=
Just Google It.
BA Psychology & Photography
(I'm not going psychoanalyze you nor will I let you cry on my shoulder. Have a nice day.)
Last edited by motdakasha; 07-10-2003 at 04:51 AM..