Originally posted by livewirerc
Basically, in the old testament God was interested in keeping his people (the israelites) separate, pure, and procreating. To this end he outlawed anything that would enable his people to be "tainted" by foreign religions, philosophies or beliefs such as not allowing them to marry outside the tribe, and putting to death all who opposed the israelites. He also wanted to grow his people in numbers and so he outlawed all sexual acts that did not lead to procreation. Beastiality, homosexuality, "onanism" (pulling out, basically), etc. were all outlawed, as were most forms of incest (so as to keep 'em "pure" and free of eventual genetic weaknesses).
If you think of it in those terms, it makes a lot more sense. At least to me it does.
So God = a form of a modern day White Supremist?
That does make sense given that the Bible displays racism, cruelty, and senseless violence(i.e. Levicitus 20:15, 2 Kings 2:23-24, etc.), etc. in a favorable light.