Originally posted by nate_dawg
anybody who thinks they're punk probably arent
who cares, labels suck
just do what you like, fuck the rest
i half agree
do what you like and don't stress about the rest
Let people be and do what they want and don't worry about it. Just do and be who you want.
The best advice in the world is, be happy with yourself first. As long as you are happy with who you are, no other things that come in your life can take that away from you. If you gain something that makes you really happy, and you stay happy with who you are, then you lose that one thing, what are you left with? Being happy with who you are. That's called being eternally happy. Basically it means that, if you gain something or lose something you will always be happy with who you are, which will be more than enough to keep you a happy person for the rest of your life.
In other words, do what makes you happy and don't stress about what other people are or aren't doing. Who cares if they are being 'punk posers' or who cares if they are carrying a skateboard, even though you know they can't skate and you can. In the large picture, it doesn't matter at all. People in this world are way too worried about what other people are doing and they are way too worried about fitting in and making it seem like they have control over their actions. Don't worry about weather this is right or wong. If these people want to be like this.. if it makes them happy, let them do it and don't bother with judging them.
Humans are meaningless and all this little petty bullshit that goes on on earth means nothing.
The universe is some 13 billion years old. Do you think our span of like 1000 years of human beings is going to make any type of impact on the large scale of things? If we blew up our solar system, or even galaxy for that matter, is that going to have any effect on our universe? Hell no..
in other words, humans don't mean anything in the big picture, so don't worry about what other people are doing. Worry about yourself and making yourself feel important to yourself for this short life that you are going to live. Make your short life happy. In reality, that's all you have.