what made the show a classic on nick was just how everything was implied. just seeing the humor that others may overlook made the show that much funnier.
i saw the first new episode a couple weeks ago, and boy was i dissapointed. i was watching with a few friends who had never seen the show before. one was like "how is this supposed to be funny. its just gross." i just sat there just hoping for something to make me laugh, but i never did.
i think they ruined the show with the crude humor. they just threw the shit at you hoping it would stick to the wall. it didnt. the show was dumb, and i just didnt flow like a Ren and Stimpy show should have. i think one of the problems was that the whole episode was just one story.
if i catch it be accident, i'll probably give it another shot. but as of right now, i can live without that show.