Need advice/help
ok im a guy and this friend of mine a girl who i would like to become significant others with is in a relationship with a complete dick and she has even said to me that a lot of times she doesnt want to be with him and she does want to at the same time.... she has expressed interest in me by saying she has feelings and if we had gotten together earlier before this guy that we wouild still be together and she has no doubt of that.... and recently she was in tears about this kid and i told her do what is best yadda yadda yadda and i made sure she knew that he had treated her this way for a long time and if she wasnt ok with it, she isnt, that the relationship should end...
then i hadnt talked to her in about a week, since the day before she was going to take his stuff back to him... so i called a few times to see if she wanted to do something but we both work and played email/phone tag for a while and i called today and she is at his house like nothing was wrong..... no lie she is in tears every other week from the jackass she is with... she says he has problems and thats why but it is no excuse....
well thank you for listening tilted forum.... any response/advice would be greatly appreciated... and perhaps if i have problems again i will do a dear abby.... and if it has any purpose we are both going on 20