Originally posted by madcap_hijinx
punk is really just about being pissed off at the way the world works. and it's always a temporary thing... just like rage against the machine, you can only stay that pissed off for so long before you move on to something else, be it positive or negative.
I don't know...I don't really consider myself a punk, but I think the pissed-off explanation is key. And I don't think it's temporary! The "realest" punks I know are the ones who channel that pissiness into real thought, discussion, and activism. Like someone said (all the way up the forum, too lazy to scroll :P), the ones starting coffeehouses and shit are the ones that matter. To be a really good punk, I think, is to be a good person; you have to keep trying to do things that matter and improve the world, on every scale, out of exasperation with the crappy way the world already is.