Hopefully Nash quits. I didn't like him when he left WWF(E) and I still don't like him now that he is back. Soon, he'll fade away into the logs of yesteryear, as VinnieMac realizes that no one really cares about Nash. I mean, we have Test. Test=Nash. Trust me. Its not hard to give someone a boot to the head. Tests Finisher=Nashs Finisher. They are both the same move, just presented differently.
And I read on steveswrestling.com (which he most likely borrowed from a different site) that Goldberg WAS scheduled to be on RAW, as was La Ouisistance. But somehow, Goldberg realized that he had an elbow infection when he got to the arena. Not on the plane, not before he left his residence. AT THE FREAKING ARENA. Like he didn't notice. So anyway, Goldberg was supposed to do something with La Ouisistance, but since G was in the hospital getting his elbow checked out - No Frenchies.