my girlfriend and I were friends for about 4 years before we started dating. We're still best buddies to this day, but we recognize that we love each other deeply, and even if we broke up we would still be friends. Friendship doesnt have to stop once you start dating, but it often does because people put too much thought into what could happen. If she is really a great friend.. then roll with it until you feel comfortable and confident enough to tell her that you like her in a more than platonic way. You might change your mind later and figure out that it's not really worth it. Truth be told.. Peutetre and I didnt have any sexual contact for over the first year that we dated because we were friends so long and it was "weird".. but I never once stopped being her friend because i was frustrated or upset. If you can pull off that kind of commitment and be prepared for worse then Good Luck! If you can't "wait" like some other guys.. then forget about the relationship aspect and perhaps you need to re-evaluate your friendship..