case: Beantech Igloo 1
(all-singing, all-dancing, all-aluminum, toolless)
motherboard: ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe 2.0 (nForce2)
(onboard sound and 2 x NIC)
CPU: Barton-core AthlonXP 2800+
RAM: 2 x 512MB Corsair XMS3200
Graphics: eVGA GeForce FX5900 Ultra
HDD: Seagate 120GB Serial ATA
DVD: Sony 16x DVD-ROM
CD-RW: Firewire external (shared with Mac Blue & White G3)
Mouse: Logitech MX300
Keyboard: "PC Concepts" generic-ass ergo keyboard
Monitor: Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710s (saving up for an LCD or maybe OLED display next)
This is my brand, brand new baby and I love it to death!