So his complaint was that he couldn't find enough warez for Macs?

Just didn't know where to look....
horses for courses though. Your friend's support base (ie: you) used windows. If the people around you use windows, it'll be easier to find people who can help you out on that system.
I've had just about the opposite experience. Everything I could do on my PC, I found an equivalent or better app on the Mac - particularly on the A/V side of things. Better is perhaps too harsh a word. I just like them better.
Oh, and I'll challenge your friend's comment too.. I'm not a child, and I'm pretty sure I'm interested in computers, given that I'm working in web design, and spend almost every waking hour on my home computer. Actually maybe I didn't want to admit that.
Right. I'm stopping now. I promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this debate. Y'all use what you want, you hear?