I know a guy who had an older iMac. He needed to upgrade it because the video card it had just wasn't cutting it. Lucky for him, he couldn't upgrade the card in the iMac he had, so he was forced to get a new computer.
He looked at the new iMacs, and then looked at PCs. He built a PC bout twice as fast as the iMac he would have bought, and it was about 3/4ths the cost.
PCs are cheaper, more customizable, and once you buy it, you don't have to spend hundreds of more dollars to get what you want (Floppy drive, new mouse, etc...).
Honestly I can't say a whole lot to argue the point of Mac vs PC, because I honestly do not know a whole lot about Macs. All I know is that every time I've touched one I've wanted to run for my life. I'm a PC user through and through and will never consider using a Mac for any purpose, because I know that anything a Mac can do a PC can do at least just as well, no matter what people claim, because I have seen the numbers.
When life gives you lemons, sqeeze the juice into a squirt gun and shoot people in the eyes