Actually, when the apple II family was cut, Steve Jobs and Woz were in charge. Guess who's running apple now? Yep. Jobs is back.
if you wanna talk current examples of Mac vs PC, let's look at the layout of the operating systems. The mac has colored balls in the corner of the window which you press to close, minimize, maximize windows. That's great, until you get a color blind guy using it. Now he's screwed. Hit the red ball? Which one's the red ball? Windows on the other hand uses symbols - something few people couldn't interpret. X means close. the maximize icon looks like a maximized window. the minimize icon looks like a minimized window. Minimize something and it goes to the task bar. Not to the dropdown system menu, but the task bar. Click on the desk top and your application doesn't just disappear so you have to go pull it out of the system menu again. It stays right where it belongs. Don't get me wrong. Macs used to have it all over the PC in user interface (although I'm crotchety enough that I still like a good old fashioned command prompt). Win 3.11 was a vast improvement in PC interface over the previous ones, but it still sucked. Win 95 finally brought the interface up to the level of a mac (and this was met with a lot of derision amongst the PC crowd who still liked dos!) but its stability issues are well known. Now with Win2k, I'll put the OS up against the Mac OS any day of the week. As you pointed out, that's just my opinion.
Please note that I never said Macs are bad computers. The worst accusation I made was that Apple has been known to abandon technology suddenly and without warning. I simply said they cater to a different computer buyer than I, and frankly the majority of computer buyers, are.