Originally posted by JoeyB
Why did MSNBC think they were going to get anything less from Savage? Did they ever listen to his show in San Francisco? I'm not defending his comments, but MSNBC shares some responsibility for giving him the forum.
I don't agree with Rush Limbaugh's opinions, but I've never heard him cross the line into bigotry and hatred. Rush's blindly partisan politics (just as bad as narrow-minded liberals) is dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as people who spout off such hateful rhetoric as Savage.
A closed mind is a dangerous weapon.
First off, if I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that they hired Savage only to portray the image that conservative = bigoted asshole and that firing him was inevitible, and even planned.
Secondly, Rush is a Republican and he doesn't pretend otherwise. When you listen to Rush you know what you are getting, whereas major media networks pretend to be unbiased when they are everything but. I would think that presenting a facade of unbiased, objective, information when you in fact are not, would be more "dangerous" than stating your intentions and being up-front about your political beliefs.