I already got the game on Gamecube and I'm sure no matter what system you buy it for your gonna love it. I bought it for gamecube because thats my favorite of the two systems i got (ps2 is my other) and also I think Link was a much cooler bonus character than Heiachi. The game is the shit. The only 2 discs that have been loaded in my GC since I got it 2 weeks ago is my freeloader boot disc and the sc2 disc. it has got so much depth for a fighting game, i keep getting better every time i play and its the most beutiful game i've ever seen worth playing. Anyone that is anticipating the game release should just import it, there isn't really much you are missing out on from it being in Japanese, unless ur obsessed with like character bios and shit. this is by far my favorite game, same goes for any of my friends that played it. its the bomb. blows away tekken by far. blows away any ps2 fighter. blows away any xbox fighter even tho that statement dont mean much. go get it now.