I am not picking and choosing anything, but its common knowledge (or should be) that the old testament is exclusivly Hebrew, the first five (the Torah) are fundamental to the religion. The New testament are the CHRISTIAN BOOKS, written by the founding fathers' on the teachings of Jesus, the history and teachings of the early church, and a prophecy that is shrouded in mystery (revelations).
to answer
If the Old Testament is no longer invalid, why do Christians still cite things like Leviticus 20:13(re: Homosexuality)? Did Jesus say that the Old Testament is crap? Why can you pick and choose what parts of the book you like and don't like?
I would say yes the old testament is invalid. It all was written well over 2000 years ago and for the most part, minus the 10 commandments which should be always be regarded, everything is obsolete in the context of our time or out of context in which they are written.