Can't take credit for this, but there is a link to an interesting article at bottom of post. Basically the premis is that USC is welcomed back to ACC and Louisville comes into the SEC in a two way deal. Reasoning for moves are based on geography and rivals.
USC was founding member of ACC and only team to leave to date. USC has Clemson every year on schedule as state rival. USC also frequently play one other ACC team every year, Virginia is current flavor.
Louisville to SEC sets up UK vs UL rivalry in conference. UL gives a big boost to SEC basketball with tradition and Pitino. Think about Pitino coming into Rupp Arena with a conference championship on the line.
As I said, interesting I don't think USC is going anywhere. They are quite content in SEC and see there programs progressing to the point where they have beat Georgia 2 of last 3. I for one hope they stay in the SEC. Nothing beats going and see them play UT, Alabama or LSU though I have had enough of the ass whippings Spurrier used to hand out.