Ok, sorry for my absence, I know you all missed me. I'll try not to stay away so long next time.
Ultimo in his prime had over 9 belts at once. Including the WCW Cruiserweight and the WWF LightHeavyweight, at once. And he beat everybody. He has 1 good arm and is still a better worker than half the guys on the roster.
I never eeeeevvver linked Mark Jindrak, I like Sean O'haire when the 2 were tag champs in WCW, but never like Jindrak.
If you love heel tag teams you gotta love La Resistance. They are green, and just think what they'll look like in a year. I'm an old school fan of the Rougeaux Brothers and they fit that mold perfectly. And they are a true tag team, not 2 guys put together to make a team.
Hurricane needs a great partner, I have no clue what they have in store for him, and I think you may be a little against L.R. because they have beaten, nay, dominated the Green one for the last two weeks. And I like the 'Cane, he's one of the best guys on the entire WWE roster.
Tonight will be Austin only, so I'm guessing he'll be getting a chokeslam at some point.
Until next time...
You know the rest.
On a side note, thanks to Spleen for creating one of the most popular boards in the entertainment section. Keep up the good work.