Finishing his meal of jerked beef, fruit and water, Vinoh joins his friends as they head for the stairs in the next room.
"Remember guys, I still have 2 extra Bags of Holding here. I'll keep them with the treasure we found in the third bag, unless someone wants one. As for the marching order up the stairs, I think we need good fighters at both ends. Since Thantos has a crossbow, he can lead the way; I'll be behind him with my torch. Gell or Attrah can close the group, along with Goban and his light ring. D'Aleen can be at the centre to provide back-up for either ends with her bow, while Darghon, Father Quadrial and Krazixs can form our last line of defense with their magical strengths. What do you guys think?"
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.