Thread: Mac or PC
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Old 07-07-2003, 04:37 PM   #64 (permalink)
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OK, Terit, first off I never said you couldn't get a multi-button mouse for the mac. Second, Final Cut is not under any circumstances for any reason better than Avid. FC is a great video editor, but it's chief competitor is Premiere, NOT Avid because Avid isn't even in the same ballpark as those two play in. There is a version of AVID for mac, yes I know that, but the system of choice for Avid Media Composer is a win2000 machine. Regarding Avid vs FC, here's a small example. 56 movie trailers have been nominated for the Key Art Awards. 42 of them were edited on Avid. Only 14 were on FC. Just a small example of the simple fact that the editor of choice in the industry is Avid.

The plain and simple fact is that macs, while they're good machines, are designed for ease-of-use first and utilization-of-their-full-power second. Frankly, I think that's great. Makes my life a lot easier when computer novices are on macs 'cause I don't have to provide as much tech support. Once you gain more knowledge and start wanting more choices in software (yes I know that the reason there's so much software for the PC is because there are more PC users. That's obvious.) then the PC is the way to go.

Regarding the warranty. Yeah, and if you upgrade it and something breaks, you don't think they'll blame the upgrade? Been there, done that.

"I buy my software at CompUSA... that would be a store, a national chain even. Of course, I don't think they were around in the 1980s, so you will have probably never heard of them."

Sure I've heard of them. I'm quite underwhelmed by them. Not much of a selection, and their prices are sky high compared to other retailers.

"And here's another news flash for you: Apple itself has stores all over the country!"

Wow! Really? Yeah, I knew that too. Gateway has stores too. Yugos had dealerships. Doesn't mean I'd buy a Gateway or a Yugo either. Apple can have all the stores it wants, but with far fewer titles being WRITTEN for the Mac, it doesnt' matter because they can't SELL software that doesn't exist.

BTW, where do you get this idea that I'm living in the 80's? Or are you just being rude?

"And again, lets face it, an advanced user would buy a different mouse no matter what his computer came with."

An advanced user would build his own machine with the parts HE specifies to best suit him. Therefore, his computer would come with the best mouse for him. BTW, you can get perfectly good mice with prebuilt PC's.

"The reason that Apples still come with a one button mouse is because their OS interface is designed to be used with a one button mouse, "

Yes, and that's a handicap. It's designed for the lowest common denominator. That's like saying "well my car only has 25 horsepower because it's designed to be used by beginning drivers as well as advanced. If you want to become an advanced driver, put a new engine in the car." I wouldn't buy a Mac because I don't want a computer that's designed to cater to the less computer-savvy people at the expense of utility for the power users.

You never did address Apple's abandonment of technology at the expense of their customer base. Apple has a long history of ignoring what its customers really want in favor of the technology THEY want to make. The IIgs example I gave is a perfect case-in-point. Most home users wanted the Apple II family to continue - it had all the games and was the computer of choice for a family machine at the time. Apple chose to ignore this fact and instead promote the Mac. This permanently pissed off legions of Apple II users and led to the Apple taking a significant back seat to the PC in the home computer market - a downfall from which the company still has not recovered. I find it interesting that the best selling peripheral for the Macintosh LC was the Apple IIe card. Surely a company who listens to and is responsive to their customers desires would have had the sense to see that their customers wanted Apple II's. Apple is clearly not such a company. I prefer to buy products from companies that care about what their customers want rather than forcing what they think the customers should have down the customers' collective throats.
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