A matter of etiquette
I find myself in a slight dilemma these days when it comes to my birthdays. Seeing as the next one (#20) comes on July 19th, I'm attempting to decide how to approach the process. I don't mind the family get-togethers that tend to waste at least a day of my life, and yes, I do mean waste when I say it. I've given up on making birthday lists, because like any child, I learned early on that the list is rarely fulfilled, and that brings disappointment. However, my family has an "eclectic" sense of appropriate for presents, and I usually return them if given a chance or simply discard/hide them. However, I feel like simply asking for money (despite needing it far more than a new wardrobe or books or such with the next semester looming close) is crass, ungrateful and unappreciative of their efforts. So do I pointedly say, "Give me money, because I'd rather choose the way it is spent" or simply smile and accept then return the gifts I'm given? I was raised very southern and very proper, so the first one seems distasteful but better than the second. I have 12 days till the old birthday, so I've gotta figure this out some time soon.
Originally posted by clavus
To say that I was naked, when I broke in would be a lie. I put on safety glasses.