I would never buy an Apple. They have a LONG history of promoting something, and then abandoning it so it becomes useless. the IIGS is a classic example. Buy the IIGS! It's the best of both the Apple 2 and the mac worlds! It'll be REALLY useful! And yeah, it was an awesome computer (for its day), but there was precious little software written for it, so it whey reas largely useless. Mine wound up being nothing more than an overpriced Apple IIe, because most of the programs I had would have run just fine on one of those.
Their interface is miserable. They still rely on single button mice - WTF? you have so much more flexibility with multiple buttons.
You void the warranty if you open the case. Again, WTF? You buy a computer that you can't ever upgrade unless you take it to - you guessed it - Apple and pay them a lot of money to do the install.
They rely too much on whizbang looking cases and fancy little touches (power eject floppy drives) that do nothing to add to the utility of the machine. They figure people will buy their machines not because they're better (they aren't) or have more software (fat chance) but because they look cool (they're ugly.)
Don't get me wrong, the Mac had it's day. Back in the days of the Mac Plus, Mac SE/SE-30, and Mac Classic 1 and 2, the things were awesome - if you needed them for graphic design / word processing, or other business needs. In those days, I used macs exclusively when writing, and especially laying out, documents. Now, however, the PC has caught up to the mac. Even though there is still a myth out there that macs are better at graphics (not necessarilly, depends on what video card they're up against on the PC side) the PC's have decidedly caught up to and surpassed macs in overall utility. They can edit photos and video with the best of them (I note that AVID uses PC's, not Macs for their video editing systems), they're just as fast (and in some cases faster), they have a lot more software, both games and productivity, AND you can buy that software in stores. The choice is pretty clear to me.
That said I'd love to have a Mac SE-30 just for nostalgia purposes.